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"Your Role Playing Sound Adventure Begins Now!"
Available to Purchase

Ambient Realms News

Ambient Realms Rolls out!
March 01.2013
Ambient Realms is officially rolling out the release of RPG Sounds June 1st onto the world wide web. The site will have exclusive access for businesses and Corporations but will limit the amount that the general public will be able to view due to disclosure, copyrights, intellectual property issues, and trade secrets. However, says Marc Pieruccini founder of Ambient Realms, we are welcoming the general public to our home page and a great deal of the meat & potatoes of what this company is about.

Online Events
Coming the summer of 2013
Join Ambient Realms for live special multi-player sound sessions, were players join together to take on DM's in a variety of adventure sound environments. Play board games and tabletop skirmishes live using the free to play interfaces. You can stream Game Play Live on multiple devices to experience the next level in RPG gaming. We are first in the industry to stream live multi sound game play with the newly release of HTML5. We are evolving the sound experience in table top gaming for you!

About the founder
March 01.2013
Ambient Realms is an audio/web gaming company founded by Marc Pieruccini. Mr. Pieruccini has over 30 years of experience in Regional Management in the Music Retail Industry. Duties include: Retail Sales, Trade Shows, Clinics, Certifying Employees, Sales and Marketing. Continued experience in Major Live Tours, Network Television Broadcasts, In addition Studio Designs, Live Sound Engineering and Music/Video Production.
Ambient Realms is privately funded and we have put together a team of great talent stemming in a variety of industries. We have assembled team players from the retail front lines of the gaming community mixed with radio broadcasters, composers, graphic/web designers and voice talents. All joining forces to add that extra value experience to the RPG Industry.
Check out :
Photo of Marc's early 1982 TRS Advanced D&D 1.0 play products setup with sounds created, figures painted and DM by Marc Pieruccini
My Goal is To Make a Difference!
Let's find a way to help individuals and families cope and cure Autism and Huntington's Disease. I am devoting my time, effort with joint private funding to use my trade experience to Make a Difference!
What I have noticed following and playing games in the RPG Industry since 1977. That there is a missing element in the table top experience. That is sound! Yeah, Social interaction is great and all. But, to act out and try to create a multi-sound experience is hard to do without the right tools of sounds and sound controls instantly. Try to describe a giant spider with eerie background music, dungeon creaking sounds, muffled scuffling feet, a door slam and whispers all at once. Wait! I just did! But, where is the ambient thrill in that? Well guess what? You can now! With our easy to use sound design game interfaces! This really sets the stage to make a show production that will give your RPG the edge that keeps your players coming back for more! Players also have interactive character type sound sets too! So in the past, some of us have done cassettes, CD's and other media too. But, not until now with HTML5, fast internet connection speeds and music hardware devices is it more able to run multiple sounds streams instantly without audio cut offs and with multi-polyphonic playback!
Why? Here is why! I will share my own life experience with you and why I have devoted my time to make a difference!
I have been living with Autism and Huntington's Disease which are life changing conditions since my families first testings in 2008. My family is a family size of six. My Wife, myself, three boys and our daughter. Two of my boys have Autism and my wife tested positive with Huntington's Disease early 2013. Huntington's Disease is terminal with no cure and no treatment. The unfortunate part is that Huntington's Disease is passed from carrier (parent) to child at a 50% risk. Symptoms start accelerating at age 36 with life expectancy ranging 5 to 15 years after signs of first symptoms.
Autism is another terrible condition. Autism has been increasing in ratio of percentile of children born with it each year. There is no cure and must be detected early in childhood to give a child a close to normalcy life.
I want to make a difference and be a game changer and help my family and other families coping with these debilitating conditions. Donations are very much appreciated and the funds will be divided up into research for Autism and Huntington's Disease. You choose! A request for a small donation and purchased sound sets will be used to maintain and grow this website to support our causes for a cure and further developments for RPG expanded enjoyments. I hope you can do your part and share to change lives.
Marc Pieruccini
Ambient Realms
Creative Director
Let's all make a difference!
For more information read these links:'s_disease

My wife Jamie before and now with HD.
Our son Wyatt with Autism and positive HD.
Our son Ethan with Autism and possible HD.

All Audio samples published under Tunecore & BMI
Digital Watermark Protection
Thank You for Your Support!
Great Blessings in the name of the Lord.

Our 1st Year Anniversary.
February 06, 2014
Ambient Realms has reached our first successful year thanks to you! As we embark on our second year we have new enhancements and developments that will further advance user control over our custom sound environments to make your game play more exciting. We have the ability in house to update our sounds on the fly due to our state of the art MusicSmartStudio at no cost to you. Users can contact us on any audio suggestions that we can supply from our 100GB Plus+ dedicate RPG professional sound library to make an instant change. MusicSmartStudio host multi audio terabytes of sample sound libraries created going back to the mid 1980's and we keep updating and expanding with our current recording technology.
It's all FREE!
Just help support our cause!
Thanks for your Support!

100,000 Plus LIKES
Shout Out to the Support!
February 11, 2014
Ambient Realms welcomes partners to join our cause. We grow to bring awareness to help find a cure and help families coping with Autism and Huntington's disease. We will continue in our development of the Ambient Realms Sound Project to add excitement to the RPG and Board game industry!
Coming Soon! We will be in local retail stores with demonstration tours and tradeshows. We can do store installs, training support and POP product sales growth in link with our Sound Experience website.
Contact Us for More Information

Ambient Realms
RPG Sound Creations and Tabletop Audio
Official RPG Game Play LIVE Adventure Sound System Players.
All Free Use Here Since 2013
90,000 Plus

Support Our Causes!
No Subscription Fees!
FREE Membership Here!
Note: Fake email accounts and Bots will get declined access!
Billion Streams
Into our 13th Year in developing a
tabletop audio Free online game enhancement in RPG sound players.
Over 7+ million audio streamers here,
Nearly 100K Plus Facebook Likes,
45k Plus Registered Users Here.
1000's of Free user controllable stereo
multi-polyphonic infinite looping audio players.
We created and used Sound Design for our
RPG games since 1982.
American Designs
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